I liked the idea, but who was I kidding? It's hard for me to commit to anything. I think it's the Attention Deficit, or the OCD, or my anxiety, If you've been following me for any length of time, you are aware of my inability to focus, concentrate, follow through, etc. I am not shy to talk about it either. Plus, I'm feeling a little bit depressed and who feels like driving around to take pictures when you don't even feel like leaving the house?

I'm going to print out several of them and then the girls can cut them out
and pass them out to friends. I have several DIY valentine's cards in
my Etsy shop.
I can personalize them with your child's name on the bottom of each card so all they have to do is cut them out and give them to their friends.
I don't even know if anyone was following my photo of the day challenge
and if anyone was, I apologize. But, since no one ever left a comment I don't think anyone is disappointed and if you are following this blog, I bet it's to see clay! Right?
I also am going to do a tutorial this week for you..something for St. Patty's day so stay tuned!